• The certification of any IAFD “recreational” level must be done using a Student Registration and Certification Envelope (SRCE).

  • The certification of any IAFD “professional” level must be done using the appropriate form for the specific level of certification.

  • The certifying instructor upon completion of training must fill and sign the instructor section of the SRCE. Only the certifying instructor can sign the SRCE.

  • The student upon completion of training must fill and sign the student section of the SRCE.

  • To be considered a certified IAFD Free Diver for any recreational level the student must be registered with IAFD.

  • The instructor that conducts the last open water training dive is the certifying instructor. The certifying instructor must ensure that all prerequisites, objectives and requirements have been satisfactorily completed and all portions of the course have been covered.

  • The Student Registration and Certification Envelope must be obtained only through the IAFD Headquarters and/or an authorized Regional Franchise. Photocopies of the SRCE are not admissible.

  • The SRCE must be send to the appropriate IAFD location within the first 5 days after completing the last portion of training.

  • The certifying instructor must initialize any changes or alterations made on the SRCE.



  • IAFD members are authorized to use the IAFD name, registered marks and logos to promote their classes as long the member is in active, teaching status and no on-going investigation at the Quality Control department is in progress.

  • The use of the IAFD name or Trademark cannot be used in a diminishing way towards any other organization or individual, to promote or instigate controversy.

  • This authorization may be removed to specific members at any time and without previous notice.

  • If an IAFD instructor, IAFD Facility and/or IAFD Franchise is promoting a course as IAFD course, the entire course or program must be done according to IAFD standards and regulations and only an IAFD certification must be issued.  




IAFD members are required to have professional liability insurance if the area in which specific local laws requires it. Although is recommended in all areas. In the professional liability insurance USA is required.




  • Ethical Considerations

        All IAFD members without exceptions are required to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Appropriate conduct and ethics are the base of professionalism. All IAFD members are expected to behave in a professional manner when interacting with the IAFD, other IAFD members, customers and the free diving community in general. Disciplinary actions are granted for any misconduct.

As a professional of the IAFD you must:

  • Conduct yourself and all activities related to your membership with the IAFD in a professional manner and must not disparage the IAFD, its members or any other free diving organization.

  • Keep current and maintain an updated version of this Standards & Procedures Manual.

  • Members must uphold to the standards and requirements as set forth by the IAFD.

  • Members must exhibit common honesty. Any illegal action by any IAFD member may set the ground for disciplinary actions even if the illegal action was not involving professional free diving activities and the IAFD.

  • Any member that observes any standard violation must send a report in writing to the IAFD.

  • Members must cooperate with any inquiry or investigation from the Quality Control Department.

  • Obstruction of an investigation from the QC Department shall set the grounds for disciplinary actions.

  • Only renewed and insured IAFD members in active-teaching status can represent themselves as members of the IAFD and teach IAFD courses.

  • False reports to the QC Department made for political, competitive or financial reasons shall set the grounds for disciplinary actions.

  • Members shall not duplicate, copy, reproduce or alter the IAFD name, trademarks, products or logos for the purpose of benefiting themselves financially. Only products provided by the IAFD can be used for commercial purposes.

  • Membership

The IAFD requires to all of its members to maintain current their status to continue receiving the benefits provided by the membership. Membership to all levels expires at 12:00 am (midnight) on the 31 of December of the current year. (Exception may be for franchises in which case the Franchise Contract and Agreement will define it). The benefits of keeping yourself current with the Association includes:

  • Receiving standards updates along with the required material to implement those changes.

  • Maintaining your active-teaching status and keep training students in free diving.

  • Keep representing yourself as member of the IAFD.

  • Receiving information and updates about the free diving industry to maintain a high degree of knowledge and improvement of your skills.

  • Receiving eventual invitations to participate in free diving events like records or competitions.

  • Purchase an IAFD-sponsored professional liability insurance with a preferential membership rate.

  • Order training material since these materials will only be available to IAFD members.




To maintain an Active Status the member must:

  • Pay the IAFD membership fees for the current year.

  • Complete, sign and submit the Renewal Application Form and the Annual Membership Agreement for the current year.

  • Submit proof of a current professional liability insurance except for the areas where is not required.



Some circumstances may force the association to stop a member from receiving membership benefits, keep teaching or represent himself as a member. An Inactive member can regain his/her Active Status by submitting the Renewal Application Form, proof of professional liability insurance (when required), and pay his/her membership fees to the IAFD.

Some examples of actions that may result in Inactive Status are:

  • When a membership has elapsed for the current year and up to 3 months after December 31. After 3 months the member may be placed in Suspended Status.

  • When the member decides not to teach anymore.

  • When the member does not have the required professional liability insurance despite of maintaining his/her membership for the current year.

Members placed in this status cannot continue receiving membership benefits, he/she cannot conduct any IAFD courses and cannot represent themselves as IAFD members until the member renew his/her duties or further action is taken by QC department.




In the event of failure to follow standards & procedures as set forth by the IAFD, some disciplinary actions could be taken against the member. These actions will be determined by the Quality Control department and will be base on the type of violation, precedent (if any) and potential damage to the IAFD, another member or to the student. These disciplinary actions are structured in the following categories:

  • File Review Status

When the QC department opens an investigation against any member for allegedly breaking a standard, he/she can be placed in this status until the member is moved to a different status or the investigation is completed.

Some examples of actions that may result in File Review Status are:

  • When a letter has been received that indicates that a standard violation has occurred.

  • When a Student Questionnaire indicates non-compliance with training standards.

  • When an Incident-Accident Report Form arrives that involves the member as part of the event.

Members placed in this status can continue teaching IAFD courses and keep receiving membership benefits until further action to exonerate or determine disciplinary actions are completed.


  • Suspended Status

When QC department has determined that a gross standard violation occurred, the member can be placed in this status until the member complies with the sentence of the QC department, which may include a certain time-frame suspension, retraining or any other decision made by the QC department. A member can also be suspended for financial irresponsibility or for not responding to a QC inquiry.

Some examples of actions that may result in Suspended Status are:

  • Compromising students’ safety during training.

  • Violation of any IAFD standard.

  • Financial irresponsibility handling business with the IAFD.

Members placed in this status cannot continue receiving membership benefits, he/she cannot conduct any IAFD courses and cannot represent themselves as IAFD members until further decision from the QC department and the Review Executive Board of the IAFD.


  • Expelled Status

When QC department has determined that after all corrective attempts the member is still not complying with the sentence of the QC department and all attempts to solve the situation have failed, the member will be expelled from the IAFD without any possibility to regain membership status in the future. The rest of the membership and other free diving organizations will be informed of the situation including the reasons for expelling the member. Decisions to expel any member will be determined by the Review Executive Board of the IAFD after receiving all the necessary documentation from the QC department.

Some examples of actions that may result in expulsion are:

  • Compromising students’ safety during training.

  • Repeated violations of standards.

  • Wrongfully and willingly discrediting or attempting to damage the IAFD, its officers, employees or any of its members.

  • Refusal to pay his/her business responsibilities with the IAFD.

  • When the member has been proven guilty in a court of law for his/her implication in a criminal case.

Members placed in this status will not continue receiving membership benefits, he/she cannot conduct any IAFD courses and cannot represent themselves as IAFD members. Once the member is expelled, he/she will no longer be a member and the decision will be irreversible. 




In addition to the previous statuses, this particular level applies to facilities and franchises. As in Expelled Status, facilities and franchises can fall into this category if QC department determines that there are enough reasons and evidence to proceed. As in Expelled Status, the Review Executive Board will be given the final decision.

Some examples of actions that may result in termination are:

  • Permitting their instructors, whether in staff, independent or under contract to continue violating standards compromising student’s safety.

  • Encouraging their instructors, whether in staff or under contract to violate standards.

  • Wrongfully and willingly discrediting or attempting to damage the IAFD, its officers, employees or any of its members.

  • Refusal to pay its business responsibilities with the IAFD.

Members placed in this status will not continue receiving membership benefits, they  cannot conduct any IAFD courses and cannot represent themselves  as IAFD members. Once the member is expelled, he/she will no longer be a member and the decision will be irreversible.





In occasions when a member has done an outstanding job, the QC department may issue a Certificate of Recognition to the member as a meaning to recognize his/her merits and professionalism. A copy of this certificate will be filed in the member’s records.