In order to have consensus in the multiple aspects of the Free Diving competitions, education, and event organization, the IAFD has gathered a notable list of international advisors.
Their expertise in their specific designated field of knowledge insures a compensated and thoroughly examined decision to the issues presented to them.
Their majority vote will be a vital factor in any decision-making by IAFD affecting any of its various activities.
The creation of this Advisory Council reaffirms the philosophy of our Organization in pursue of its improvement.
With the intention of further explaining the role of the Advisory Council it is perhaps necessary to state that, regardless of their field of specialty, their collective opinion, advise or suggestion will be taken into account on every topic or subject that will be presented to them. This means that such a Council will act as a whole consulting body arriving to recommendations that will arise from the general discussion among them concerning any matter related to IAFD various fields of activities which range from the setting and recognition of World Records as well as courses, clinics, and most importantly in safety issues in all types of free diving events.
We believe that the incorporation of all the opinions, points of view, of such a diversity of experts should NOT be limited to their specific field, but quite the contrary as these members are all very well acquainted with the Freediving World, IAFD is sure that the resulting decision will have been examined and analyzed thoroughly.
They are, in no particular order, the following:

Matt Briseno

USA - Hawaii

Competition / Technical Writer


Pipin Ferreras


Underwater Hunting


Nuncio Di Dato


Events Organizer



Wendell Ko

USA - Hawaii

Underwater Hunting


Pascal Bernabé


Deep Diving Technical Advisor


Cliff Etzel


Electronic Media


Benjamin Franz


Fresh Water Record Events


Kim McCoy


Data Analyzer / Research
